At FreeWalkingToursLima.Org, we aim to give a social purpose to our activities, which is why we collaborate with Andean communities in the Lima region. Currently, the region of Lima comprises 13 provinces with a population of 1,316,729 inhabitants, of which 51% live in poverty. Out of the 13 provinces, 10 have a poverty incidence rate exceeding 50%. The province with the highest poverty rate is Chumbivilcas (85.7%), while the province of Lima has the lowest poverty incidence at 24.7%.
Due to the socio-economic conditions in the Lima region, we have decided to support the poorest communities by making donations every four months, particularly to children. These donations include school supplies, hygiene products, and essential food items (salt, sugar, rice, bread, oil, etc.). The funds for these donations come from the contributions made by visitors after participating in our free walking tours, as well as from our paid tours. In this way, we give your journey a social impact, benefiting the underprivileged people of Lima.